Marketing Automation.

Put your marketing on Auto-Pilot. We take the hassle out of managing your marketing efforts by implementing software and processes that streamline the way you create, distribute, and analyze your digital marketing campaigns. 

Lead Nurturing

Develop automated workflows that guide leads through your sales funnel. This involves segmenting leads based on behavior, sending targeted content, and triggering actions based on specific interactions.

Email Marketing

Set up and manage email campaigns that nurture leads, welcome new subscribers, follow up on purchases, or re-engage inactive users. Automation can personalize emails based on user behavior, preferences, and interactions.

CRM Integration

Integrate your Customer Relationship Managment (CRM) systems with marketing automation tools to streamline lead management, track interactions, and automate follow-ups.

Content Marketing

Streamline tedious internal marketing tasks by automating tasks such as content creation, content approvals, collaboration among team members, and content publishing.

Take The Manual Out Of Marketing

Save the man-power, time, and energy by streamlining your marketing operations. Our Marketing Automation services helps businesses focus on building, selling, and scaling their products/services while we create a well oiled marketing machine that eliminates tedious tasks while reaching new customers.

Let's Get Started

Our Package

  • Marketing Consultation: Learn more about your business.
  • Digital Audit: Analyze your current marketing processes.
  • Automation Playbook: Highlight areas that can be automated.
  • Automation Implementation: Setup Email, SMS, and Social Media SaaS management platforms.
  • Managment: Train your team on how to operate marketing software.


Our Work

Educators Now: Automating Operations

Surthrive helped this substitute teacher agency streamline their marketing…


6-Step Promotional Strategy Guide


Learn 6 easy steps on how to run a successful promotional strategy by creating a dynamic email marketing campaign using MailChimp.


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